Engage with us
While you can contact us directly using the details below, we strongly encourage you to get involved with our online community via our official Facebook Page and thriving Facebook Group. Questions are often answered much more quickly - either by members of the team, veteran drivers or long-standing supporters of Harewood Hill.
Social Media
Your questions answered in record time
Official updates and announcements
To contact someone specific:
Advertising & Marketing
Mike Geen - marketing@harewoodhill.com
Entries Secretary
Jackie Wilson - entries@harewoodhill.com - 01423 - 339062
Driving Academy
Jackie Wilson - academy@harewoodhill.com
Hon Secretary
Lesley Geen - clubsec@harewoodhill.com
Hon Competition Secretary
Chris Seaman - compsec@harewoodhill.com
Tim Wilson - chairman@harewoodhill.com
Chief Marshal
Mike Shorley - chiefmarshal@harewoodhill.com
Venue hire (for non-motorsport use)
Tim Thomson - tim@andypriaulx.com
Harewood Avenue, Harewood, Leeds, LS17 9LA